how to auto user expire in mikrotik

If we want to limit the lifetime of the user hotspots and hotspot user who desires that are out of active they will automatically disconnect and didisable of hotspot users the example of the following ways can be used.
assumptions targets
Hotspot username = kangndo
= Active period until the date of December 31, 2013 00:00:00 hours GMT
The first step, create scripts
Go to System> Scripts
Name: kangndo
source Code:

/ip h ac r [/ip h ac f user="kangndo"]; /ip h u d [/ip h u f name="kangndo"]

Langkah kedua, membuat scheduler

Buka System > Scheduler
name: kangndo
Start Date: Dec/31/2013
Start Time: 00:00:00
Interval: 00:00:00
On Event: kangndo

With the above example, it will automatically hotspot-user kangndo will disconnect (if active) and auto-disable exactly at 00:00:00 dated December 31, 2013.
Good luck, may be useful.

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Ch.Shahzad Nasir


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